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*The reports are available on CRC homepage "professional page".
**Children's Welfare Center (Jidou Soudanjyo) is a local government administrative organ where there role is to undertake children's welfare and to protect their rights. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,as wellas CRC, use the term "Child Guidance Center" as English translation.
2013Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect VI: Analysis of fatal child abuse reviews in Japan Fumihiko Kawasaki
(Children's Rainbow Center)2011 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect V: Analysis of serious case reviews in Japan (Part2: 2006-2010) Takashi Masuzawa
(Children's Rainbow Center)2010 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect V: Analysis of serious case reviews in Japan(Part1: 2000-2006) Takashi Masuzawa
(Children's Rainbow Center)2009 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect IV: An analysis of Japanese literature focused on the relationship between child abuse & neglect and developmental disorder Takashi Masuzawa
(Children's Rainbow Center)2008 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect III: An analysis of Japanese textbooks on child sexual abuse and educational psychology Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2006 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect I: Sociopsychological analysis of supporting "critical phase of children" in post-war Japanese society (Part4: 2000-2006) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2005 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect I: Sociopsychological analysis of supporting "critical phase of children" in post-war Japanese society (Part3: 1990-1999) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2004 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect I: Sociopsychological analysis of supporting "critical phase of children" in post-war Japanese society (Part2: 1980-1989) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2003 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect I: Sociopsychological analysis of supporting "critical phase of children" in post-war Japanese society (Part1: -1979) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) -
2013Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect II: Study of legislative systems and jurisprudence in Japan (Part6: 2010 April-2012 March) Tsuneo Yoshida (Department of Law, Surugadai University) 2010/
2011Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect II: Study of legislative systems and jurisprudence in Japan (Part5: 2007 July-2010 March) Tsuneo Yoshida (Department of Law, Surugadai University) 2008/
2009Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect II: Study of legislative systems and jurisprudence in Japan (Part4: 2004 May-2007 June) Tsuneo Yoshida (Department of Law, Surugadai University) 2006/
2007Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect II: Study of legislative systems and jurisprudence in Japan (Part3: 2000 June-2004 April) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University),
Tsuneo Yoshida (Department of Law, Surugadai University)2005 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect II: Study of legislative systems and jurisprudence in Japan (Part2: 1990 April-2000 May) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2004 Literature Review on Child Abuse & Neglect II: Study of legislative systems and jurisprudence in Japan (Part1: 1980-1990) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) -
2012 Bibliography: Child abuse & neglect related books published in Japan (2008-2011) Research Division, Children's Rainbow Center 2011 Bibliography: Child abuse " neglect related books published in Japan (2008-2009) Research Division, Children's Rainbow Center 2007 Bibliography: Child abuse & neglect related books published in Japan (2000-2007) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) -
2008 Analysis of Case Studies Presented at CRC Japan Training Programs: A review of 74 cases in child guidance centers and child welfare facilities* Yoko Yomo (Children's Rainbow Center):FY2006
Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center):FY20072008 Study of CRC Japan Training Program Evaluation: Structuring training programs priortizing the benefits in child welfare clinical practice Hideo Hirayama (Children's Rainbow center) 2007 Analysis of Difficult Cases in Japanese Children's Homes II: A review of 195 cases** Takashi Masuzawa (Children's Rainbow Center) 2005 Analysis of Difficult Cases in Japanese Children's Homes I** Takashi Masuzawa (Children's Rainbow Center) 2005 The Role of Training Programs for Child Abuse & Neglect: Through CRC Japan's training programs for professionals in child guidance centers and child welfare facilities Susumu Kouno (Children's Rainbow Center) -
2014Study on Clinical Practice of Mother-Child Relationships in Mother and Children's Homes I: Nationwide survey to 192 Mother ad Children's Homes in Japan Hiroshi Yamashita (Kyusyu University Hospital) 2013/
2014Study of "Oyako-Shinjyu" (Filicide Followed by Suicide) in Japan III: Analysis of court cases Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2013 The future direction of child abuse and neglect measures in Japan I: Research trends Tetsuro Tsuzaki (Hanazono University) 2013 A Study of Measures against Child Maltreatment in Asian Countries: Ending Corporal Punishment Toshihiko Yanagawa (Wakayama Medical University) child abuse and neglect, corporal punishment, Asian countries, ICAST:ISPCAN child abuse and neglect screening tool 2012 Study on Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect Cases by Child Welfare Services and Medical Institutions in Japan Shigemi Yamazawa (Yonago City Child Guidance Center) 2012 The Multidisciplinary Coordination Between School and Children's Homes to Support Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part4) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2012 Study of Child Abuse by Parents Suspected of Having Developmental Disorders: Characteristics and correspondences (Part2) Kazuaki Hashimoto (Hanazono University) 2010/
2011Study of the Role of Child Guidance Centers: Chronology of Japanese history regarding child guidance center Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2011 Study of Approaches to Sexual Problems of Children in Residential Treatment Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed Children in Japan (Part2) Kazuhiro Takikawa (Gakushuin University) 2011 Exploring a Clinical Approach to Children's Lives:A program promoting socioemotional development of children in Japanese Infant Homes: To improve the clinical sense** Kikuyo Aoki (Ochanomizu University) 2011 Study of "Oyako-Shinjyu" (Filicide Followed by Suicide) in Japan II: Analysis of the newspaper articles (2000-2009) Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2011 The Multidisciplinary Coordination Between School and Children's Homes to Support Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part3) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2011 A Study of the Role of Psychiatrist in Child Guidance Centers in Japan (Part2) Yoshiro Ono (Wakayama Prefecture Mental Health and Welfare Center) Key word: child welfare, psychiatrists, mental health, Jidou Soudansyo, medical director 2011 Study of Child Abuse by Parents Suspected of Having Developmental Disorders: Characteristics and correspondences Kazuaki Hashimoto (Hanazono University) Key word: child abuse, developmental disorders 2011 Study of "Oyako-Shinjyu" (Filicide Followed by Suicide) in Japan I: Review of the literature Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2009/
2010Study of Approaches to Sexual Problems of Children in Residential Treatment Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed Children in Japan (Part1) Kazuhiro Takikawa (Gakushuin University) 2010 Exploring a Clinical Approach to Children's Lives:A program promoting socioemotional development of children in Japanese Infant Homes** Kikuyo Aoki (Ochanomizu University) 2010 The Role of Psychologists inJapanese Children's Homes Takashi Masuzawa (Children's Rainbow Center) 2010 The Multidisciplinary Coordination Between Schools and Children's Homes to Support Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part2) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2010 A Study of the Role of Psychiatrist in Children's Welfare Centers** in Japan (Part1) Yoshiro Ono (Wakayama Prefecture Mental Health and Welfare Center) Key word: child welfare, psychiatrists, mental health, Jidou Soudansyo, medical director 2009 The Multidisciplinary Coordination Between School and Children's Homes to Support Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part1) Toru Hosaka (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Department of Education, Chiba University) 2009 The Role of Local Government Ensuring the Specialization of Child Guidance Centers: The practice and challenges of Japanese child welfare professionals in local government Jun Saimura (Kansai Gakuin University) 2009 Study of Cognitive Development of Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part4) Masutomo Miyao (National Center for Child Health and Development) 2009 A Study of the Support for Attachment in Infant's Homes: The appropriate caring environment for the social/emotional development of children in Japanese infant's homes Kikuyo Aoki (Ochanomizu University) 2009 A Study of Inquiries Regarding Legal Issue Made to CRC Professional Counseling Kouji Sasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2009 The Role of Supervision for Child Welfare Professionals in Japanese Child Guidance Centers (Part2) Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2007/
2008A Survey of Support for Abused/Neglected Children in Japanese Schools Hiroyuki Ikushima (Center for Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Aichi University of Education) 2008 Study of Cognitive Development of Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part3) Masutomo Miyao (National Center for Child Health and Development) 2008 Study of the Aim and Evaluation of Support for Child Abuse & Neglect in Japan I: A study of follow-up support and the living condition of children who left Residential Treatment Facility for Emotionally Disturbed Children: Current status and challenges supporting high school aged children in Japan (Part2) Kazuhiro Takikawa (Taisho University) 2008 The Role of Supervision for Child Welfare Professionals in Japanese Child Guidance Centers (Part1) Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2007 Study of Family Support for Child Abuse & Neglect Cases (Part2): Multidisciplinary coordination between child welfare facilities and child guidance centers in Japan Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2007 Study of Therapeutic Techniques in Clinical Practice for Child Abuse/Neglect: Psychotherapy for children with abused/neglected experience in Japanese Residential Treatment Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed Children Atsutake Hiraoka (Shizuoka Prefecture Yoshihara Rinkan Gakuen) 2007 Study of Cognitive Development of Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part2) Masutomo Miyao (National Center for Child Health and Development) 2007 Study of Family Support for Child Abuse & Neglect Cases (Part1): Approaches in Japanese child welfare facilities Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2006 Study of the Aim and Evaluation of Support for Child Abuse & Neglect Support II: Aggression/violence issues and support for abused/neglected children in institutional care: An analytic study of cases in Japanese Residential Treatment Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed Children Kazuhiro Takikawa (Taisho University) 2006 Study of the Aim and Evaluation of Support for Child Abuse & Neglect I: A study of follow-up support and the living condotion of children who left Residential Treatment Facility for Emotionally Disturbed Children: Current status and challenges supporting high school aged children in Japan (Part1) Kazuhiro Takikawa (Taisho University) 2006 A study of Educational Support for Abused/Neglected Children in Japan Osamu Takada (Yokohama Izumi Gakuen) 2006 Study of Cognitive Development of Abused/Neglected Children in Japan (Part1) Masutomo Miyao (National Center for Child Health and Development) 2006 The Use of Music Therapy in Japan for Children who were Abused/Neglected Yuko Osada (Child Research Net) Key word: child welfare, psychiatrists, mental health, Jidou Soudansyo, medical director 2004 Longitudinal Study on the Efficient Use of Residential Treatment Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed Children in Japan (Part3: 2000-2004) Kazuhiro Takikawa (Taisho University) 2004 The Use of "Clinical Dohsa Therapy (Pscyhological Rehabilitation)" for Children in Japanese Residential Child Welfare Facilities (Part3)** Takashi Fujioka (Japan College of Social Work) 2003 Longitudinal Study on the Efficient Use of Residential Treatment Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed Children in Japan (Part2) Kazuhiro Takikawa (Taisho University) 2003 The Use of "Clinical Dohsa Therapy (Pscyhological Rehabilitation)" for Children in Japanese Residential Child Welfare Facilities (Part2)** Takashi Fujioka (Japan College of Social Work) 2002 Longitudinal Study on the Efficient Use of Residential Treatment Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed Children in Japan (Part1) Kazuhiro Takikawa (Taisho University) 2002 The Use of "Clinical Dohsa Therapy (Pscyhological Rehabilitation)" for Children in Japanese Residential Child Welfare Facilities (Part1)** Takashi Fujioka (Japan College of Social Work) -
2007 Child Abuse and Neglect in the United Kingdom: A visitation report Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2003 Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States: A visitation report Yoko Yomo (Children's Rainbow Center) 2003 Child Abuse and Neglect in Germany and France II: A visitation report of the French Republic Ichiro Matsui (Children's Rainbow Center) 2003 Child Abuse and Neglect in Germany and France I: A visitation report of the Federal Republic of Germany Masato Hiranuma (Hiranuma Law Office) -
2011 Literature Review on Fatal Child Abuse in Japan (Part2) Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) 2010 Literature Review on Fatal Child Abuse in Japan (Part1) Fumihiko Kawasaki (Children's Rainbow Center) -
The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.10 (2012) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.9 (2011) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.8 (2010) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.7 (2009) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.6 (2008) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.5 (2007) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.4 (2006) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.3 (2005) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.2 (2004) The Bulletin of Children's Rainbow Center Japan Vol.1 (2003)